Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've been playing with Flowgram, and really like its potential for digital storytelling. I've found the audio a little clunky to use but otherwise it's a great little app. Load of potential for story building.
A Flowgram page will be added to the Teaching Method section soon.

Oh, and I built a quick website tour of The Digital Narrative with it too.

Animoto page added the Teaching Method list - if you haven't checked it out yet, go and do so now!

Just found Picnik ... the best free photo editor online if you're looking for something straightforward with all the features a standard image editor like iPhoto has to offer. It's been added to the Media Library.

I love Animoto, and now they have released a teaching portal with none of the limitations that their traditional account offers. Great fun and it's free! We'll be adding a page for Animoto in the Teaching Method lessons list shortly.

Storychasers is a new TDN portal for young adults interested in becoming digital journalists!

Will reading and writing remain important?

." ... when we incarcerate teenagers of today in traditional classroom settings, they react with predictable disinterest ..." The Economist: From literacy to digiracy.

Try Voki - the new resource added to the Teaching Method pages.

Spinning yarns around the digital campfire. By David Huffaker

Writing stories using SMS in Finland

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Launched! July 10 2008

The Digital Narrative is a new resource for teachers and authors exploring the use of new media forms in story writing.

The website offers a Media Library of free web based applications suited to story telling and exploring narrative structure in new forms.

A Teaching Method portal that includes numerous suggestions for presenting digital storytelling in the classroom.

A list of Resources to other prominent digital story websites and an increasing number of examples of digital stories.

So why Digital Narrative? Why bother?

'When we simulate a media in a computer, we fundamentally change it into something new.' Lev Manovich.

Digital Narrative introduces new ways of telling stories. Stories are our collective memory, they are a path to learning, a journey of expression; they remind us who we are and what we might be. The Digital Narrative offers a new medium for these themes, and a new form of interaction with digital media.

Most importantly, story offers us an extremely effective way of asserting a point of view - a powerful thing, particularly for young adults.

Kind Regards

Martin J