Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Things You Learn

You may have noticed, that blog posts have been a little absent on TDN recently. Well, there's a good reason (no really) ... I've been working on a new project.

On April 20th, I'm launching a new website about learning and change. It's part online magazine, part resource, and a place where how learning changes us, and the new directions it draws us in are explored.

For the first edition, there are a number of outstanding contributing authors. Some you'll recognise as regular bloggers, some are involved in teaching and learning, others follow different passions in life. All have a unique perspective on learning and change.

As for The Digital Narrative website, rest assured it's still a passion, and I'll continue to blog here!

Now, get out your diary, and book the 20th of April in your calendar so you don't forget to visit Things You Learn for the launch!