Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm a big fan of Stixy ... but recently came across Wallwisher which offers a solid alternative. Both are great noticeboard apps ... essentially, you can put up pictures and text (and docs with Stixy) ... and have them displayed on a 'wall' ... accessible to your audience via a simple url.

I've found these tools useful if I'm presenting, and want a simple static reminder for my audience to refer to after the show is over. A list of URL's they might have missed noting down for example. It's quick to setup or make changes and simple to navigate.

In the classroom, they're great for mid to late primary students perhaps using the web for the first time. I've also used them for simple storyboarding with students.

Stixy has more features and enables you upload documents, larger images, and allows you to manipulate font sizes, styles and more. I find the Stixy menu can be fiddly, and their html link tool can be a little hit and miss (though Stixy assure me that this will be resolved in future bug fixes).

Wallwisher on the other hand may be light on features, but has the edge on usability, with straightforward tools and menus ... and it allows RSS feeds for changes to the wall if you leave it open for comments which is pretty handy!

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